Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My Letter to a Young African Sister

Never think that age will ever be an excuse. Never think that because you are young, you are allowed to mess once or twice. Never knowingly make a mistake unless its furthers a more important idea.

Plan your life from now, think of ten years, see where you want to go, capture those moments in your dreams that make you think of yourself as the best thing that could ever have happened to this world. Be broad and flexible enought to adapt to changing circumstances. Most of all, keep your best thoughts to yourself, they are your jewels which will play their rightful role at the right time of this life.

Think of high ideals, think of children's dreams, think of trees and waters flowing down the stream, think of the poor and look at the grass and wonder at how you fit so neatly in nature its best.This is a journey, some of us are chosen..start your life by realising this, that as much as your are your parent's child, you are very much a child of this world with parents that are blessed to bring you into this life.

Think very widely, when you see someone, look deep into their eyes, see what their body language tells you. Never..and I repeat, never take anyone for granted. The best thing in life is faith. Trust God, love him praise him and adore him. I need not tell you hi or how I am doing, I need not ask you how you are or what your plans are. BUT I give you these words from my heart. They are nothing new but they are said by me to you, its all you need. Do not get lost in this world, never sell your soul and do not act, just be yourself. Do not worry because you are made you for very defined reasons which you shall know by the time you are 27 years old.

For now, you are your own person. Be on your own around everyone. Talk to people, be positive and know that everything will work out. You have to believe