Friday, September 12, 2008

The end of an Era and the Beginning of Another

My decision to start this blog three years ago was informed by what I already knew would be in store for me as I embarked on my research. And in the same way, as in the beginning, with my writing having served its purpose, I must now prepare to bring the blog to a conclusion. After three years of dedication and hard work on my PhD, my Viva Voce is now only three weeks away. With my thesis already submitted and in the hands of my examiners, I can feel that I deserve more from life. Therefore, destined for great heights and bigger things, I am now knocking on the doors of success and satisfaction . The world is now mine.

In preparation of my Viva Voce, which is the oral examination that I must in order to attain a Doctorate, I have made a list of what I feel is necessary for me to satisfy the examiners; that my research is original and makes a significant contribution to knowledge. And as I wrote the list, I realised that the requisite attributes for a successful Viva are actually the ingredients for success in life. As I have said before, there is a thin line between the attitude that a Doctorate student must exhibit and the professonalism that is needed to conclude a good research project. It is for this reason that my list contains both spiritual and formal values that are necessary, not only for short term projects but for life in general.

Therefore, during my Viva that is to be held on the 3rd of October 2008, which coincidentally falls on my birthday, I plan to display the following qualities;vision, confidence, grace, honesty, precision, eloquence, tact, maturity, profesionalism, clarity, politeness, compassion, integrity, sacrifice, passion, enthusiasm, brilliance, finese, calm, dedication,openess, creativity, assertiveness, a sense of humour, responsibility, consistency, efficiency, respect, persuation, empathy, flexibility, preparation, thought, reflection, and, most of all, I shall be myself. As they say, the rest shall be history. But most importantly, it shall also be the foundation that ushers in a new era, whose prosperous future stems from time immemorial.


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