Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I hope Tomorrow Comes

TODAY is my mother's birthday.

WHEN I was a little child, I would open my eyes wide and look at the beauty that surrounded me in Ngethu. I would then block my eyes from seeing any part of my body in a way that I would imagine that I am not physically present in the world and that my eyes, which are the windows of the soul, were the only ones that connected me to this earth.

I THEN would look around and wonder at the serenity surrounding me. Is the world more beautiful with me in it, or is it better to watch it from here [amidst my soul]? Should I stand here and stamp my feet in amazement at God's creation or would I rather be the invisible as the wind walking across the wide world? I used to ask myself.

AFTER a long thought, I would say to myself that the world is more beautiful and better off with me in it. The more I have grown, the more the world has become more important to me in a personal and profound way. The more breaths I take, the more I feel important to the world. Today, I am 26 years old. I ask myself, what if I was to lose the world? What if the world was to lose me?? Would I remember the world? Would the world remember me??

I KNOW that I would remember the world. Does that mean that the world is more important to me than I am to the world? I know that to be remembered by the world, I have to stand for something. I want to live and die for a principle. I know that I have not reached my zenith yet and it is why everyday that I lie on my bed, I HOPE THAT TOMORROW COMES.